Friday, 30 January 2015

Early update

This is early.
As you know.
But I have lost a friend maybe two so this might only be short.
Alaska has kind of shut me out of her life and I don't know why. She is an amazing person and friend and I miss her. I have tried all I can to get her back. I now think Jason is not my friend as I think I just really annoyed him. I don't know what to do now I guess I just wait and see what happens so ... Wish me good luck and I will update next week. Well next month so see ya.

Girl Online. going Offline.

Monday, 26 January 2015

One a week

Hey ...

I haven't posted in a long time.this is because I have been poorly and I have been busy. My brother Charly has injured himself and I have had to help him too. But today Jasmine encouraged me to do a new post. She is doing something and I am really proud of her. Well she is doing 2 things really. Also she is the only friend that has stayed friends with me and one said I have no life because I am a blogger. One made me have suicidal thoughts but then I noticed what would be lost if I did it and I wouldn't do it anyway. Anyway what I am saying is I thought that nobody liked me because of this and I thought nobody reads it so I am going to post once a week and I think it would be right to post at the weekend because then I can tell you about my week which means less post but longer ones.

I only have one person reading this from the comments and from what it says on my profile because my profile wasn't showing my blogs. I hope you will continue to read what I write and I will see you on Sunday xx

Girl Online. going Offline.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Really poorly

I am not going to do much but I am going to do something because I will feel bad otherwise.
I got sent home early today because I felt really sick. Jasmine said she felt really bad because she didnt stay with me while Jason and Alaska were flirting (we were in the canteen too) and then Jason realised I was crying and just went "oh ... What is wrong with you" so that made me smile. But that is all because I am ill so bye.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

14 posts

I have nothing to talk about once again and I feel like I am rambling. I am rambling. Anyway I have done 14 posts which it doesn't feel like that is true. But it is. And before we know it we will be in feb.
I am really looking forward to the weekend and I also want to put pink hair chalk in my hair for school because I find it unfair how teachers get to do things that we don't so I will put pink hair chalk in my hair. Before I start getting angry I will go.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Weather on facebook

I'm back.

I still don't have any ideas of what I could do. But I am on facebook and I don't watch the news.
Now these are two totally different things but I don't watch the news because I just think it upsets me because it is just telling us about bad things in the world that we can't do anything about so why do I need to know about it. Also the weather reports I don't care about because almost all the time they are wrong. This is where facebook comes in. People post what is happening outside with the weather. I am one of these people. So it REALY annoys me when somebody post thing like "I KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING OUTSIDE I HAVE EYES" because some people are busy and just have a quick look down facebook and see that is is snowing or raining and maybe that is good info for them.

So If you are a person who comments on the weather well done to you but if you are somebody who criticises these people then you obviously don't have a job or friends or a school life sorry but it is true. Tat is my mini rant over so see you tomorrow if I get views on this.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Christmas CD's and Ending The Blog

Hi there

I wanted to say today what cd's I got for Christmas because I have nothing else to talk about that is not too personal that will give who I am away. For Christmas I asked for 4 c's and I got 3/4 of them I wanted One Direction, Taylor Swift, Olly Murs and Ed Sheeran and I got the main ones. Every one but Taylor Swift then my dad yesterday treated me to Taylor Swift. Really I don't care what people think of me for having these if you don't like them you don't but yeah ... I will have to ask Jason what I can talk about because he is the one friend that every time I post something he reads it so he know what I have talked about and what I haven't talked about.

He will be the person to blame if I don't have anything to talk about haha. Because I don't know weather anybody likes this and I don't know if you are reading it. I might end my blog all together and take down all my posts and just at like nothing ever happened.
So I guess this is the end of this post so ...

Girl Omline. Going Offline.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

I did it !!!!

I have wrote something today so I have done it. I don't know what I should tell you about me I guess I will ask Jason and maybe Alaska or Jasmine but anyway right now I will say I have a brother and a dog I live with my mum step dad and brother and apart from feeling like crap I am okay I guess I will try to come up with some things to tell you as nobody ever comments so bye.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Can't do fact file :'(


I have had a really busy day and can't do much and tomorrow I am going out so I am really busy so I can't do what I said I was going to which was a fact file about me post. I will try to post something tomorrow but I can't promise. I also haven't been very well. This is only sort and sorry but I can't help it. So bye.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Half a day hugs

Hey there,

The name of this post today is half a day hugs and this is because Jason gives the BEST hugs ever and we only had half a day. So today I gave Jason the challenge to give me 10 hugs and they had to be spread out. And he did it and I thought it would be nice if I mentioned his hugs in my blog. So I gave him a whole post about his hugs. This might be very boring for you and it might not.

Jason is a really nice person and Alaska is lucky to go out with him. He gives everybody great hugs. He gives me a hug whenever I ask him and he is just really nice. This is only short I know but I have got lots of things to do tomorrow I will be saying all about myself so I hope you liked today's blog. And I hope you will like tomorrow's too.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Revising gets you somewhere

Most people think that revising is a massive waste of time. But it isn't. As I am one of those people who forget things easily I asked my teacher if I could take by book home. This was so I could revise. I did revise as I said in one of my previous blogs. I just revised for the wrong date. I can honestly say I would have guessed on 50% of the questions if I didn't revise for it. But I revised which meant I answered every question and only had to guess on one. Jason and Alaska were Jason and Alaska and didnt revise. Obviously this is okay for them because they just seem to get questions right. But I think I did okay. At least I wasn't the only one revising because Jasmine and Carol also revised along with other friends.

I am so glad it is Thursday and will be Friday tomorrow because I have not missed school at all. I only missed my friends. I didn't miss the homework or the tests, but who does. Now I am in my room listening to music (Alaska would love it) and just relaxing. I just video called Jason and I was doing my hair just to try out some things I had for Christmas.
I hope you have had a good week at school and I will be back tomorrow as always.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Hey there again,

It's me obviously and today I thought I would talk about lessons which I know is boring but oh well give me something to talk about. 😜Anyway today as you know I thought I had a big science test but I don't. I had Geography, History, Pe, Modern Languages and then Art. Most of these lessons I hate or dislike and some I acctually do like. Geography I like because I think it is fun and I like the teacher. Today in lesson we listened to Let It Go but a cover version to give us an idea of what our new topic is. In History we have had a really mean teacher and nobody liked him and then our original teacher came back today. We did about the civil war which nobody wants to do. This is one lesson I dislike. Then in PE we did PE things and another lesson I dislike is this lesson. Modern languages was French but now we have changed it to Spanish which I guess is better so I used to HATE is now a dislike. I then had form which is just form only we had we year 7's in. Art was last lesson which I just love and that is it.

Another thing that happened in my day is I gave Jason his present. It was a big pink badge because I couldn't find another colour. But he didnt like it and was going to give it away so I kept it in the end. I am really sad about this but I guess the world keeps turning and I have to carry on. But this is only a small thing so it won't matter to anybody else but me. Anyway I have to say something in the saying keep your friends close but your enemies closer you still m
Need to keep your friends super close because some of my friends have been falling out with me and then being my friend again and won't tell me why so I can't change. So whatever you do talk to your friends lots but never too much. I will see you tomorrow.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

School already taking over

Hey today was the first day back at school. I can't write much because I have lots of revision to do for a test I have tomorrow. I am really worried so I have to revise revise and revise a bit more. It seems really hard but I am sure if I try hard enough but yeah I am gonna revise then do my own mini test.
But enough of homework I was really exited for school and I don't know why I guess it was because I got to see my friends again. I really missed them and it was only for 2 weeks.
As I said I have lots of revision to do so I am going to leave now but I will write more again tomorrow.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Monday, 5 January 2015



Today I went to town with Jasmine and Alaska we went to lots of different shops and it was great fun. My main objective was to get Jason a present and i won't say what it is because he reads this. But I did go to get him hairspray (the kind that colours your hair) and it was going to be grey because there wasn't a white. I chose this colour because he wanted to dye his hair and this was the next best thing. But I wasn't old enough. I was going to get him plasters as a joke because of his knee. But they were on a reduced stand because it was half empty and the box was damaged.then I was gonna get him some makeup as a joke because he isn't a girl. Just so you know now I am not very funny. But I found him something last minute which I still don't know if he will like it but oh we'll that is his loss because I will just use it. I got a couple of other things which I won't list. I had a really good time.
I then took Jasmine home and Alaska walked because she said she was fine. She doesn't know it but we saw her and waved at her but she didn't see us.
Anyway that is all I did so see you tomorrow.

Girl Online. Going Offline.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Ice Skating

Hey again

Today I went ice skating with Jason and Alaska and some of Alaska's family.
I used to have one to one Ice skating lessons until I injured myself badly.i had one time when I got took out by a hokey skater who tilted and hit my skates causing me to go backwards and that took me a week to recover. But this one injury was really bad like 6 months to recover bad I was on crutches and almost had to have an operation somehow Jasmine hurt herself the same even though it wasn't the same way. But we made it through. Today Jason looked upset and me and Alaska couldn't find out why and it was because he had hurt his knee too. He fell over because he said he wasn't good at skating and couldn't do it but I personally think he did really well. So stay safe when on slippery things and I guess I will see you again tomorrow.

Girl online. Going offline.

Saturday, 3 January 2015


I'm back.

Last night me and my friends decided on things I could call them to keep this blog annonomous.
My main friends are Jasmine, Alaska, Jason, Louise and Carol. So these are the friends I will be talking about the most.
They are great friends and I couldn't live without them. Last year I lost my best friend who meant everything to me and Jasmine, Alaska, Jason, Louise and carol all helped me realise I didn't need her and she wasn't everything. This was the point I noticed that she had been living my life for me. And that shouldn't have been happening. So I decided to live by this rule " your life is a coin don't let anybody else spend it for you " from then I got over Mildred (the name I will call her) and my main friends got me back on track. Now I don't care if Mildred says something horrible or says she never liked me because I have five amazing friends that helped get me over her a d she is nothing to me anymore.

I decided to write about this today because I found some notes that were in my uniform pocket from last year and they were notes that my friends had wrote to me and they helped.
I don't really know the moral of the story so if you are reading this and can comment on it comment what you think the moral of this story is.
See you tomorrow.

Girl online. Going offline

Friday, 2 January 2015

Blog Starter

I have decided to start a blog.

This blog.


Because I have been inspired by Zoe Sugg who wrote Girl Online.
If you know the book then you know it starts the same way as I have started this.
I don't know if anybody is reading this right now but yeah that's not my fault. I don't have any idea how all of this works.
It might be that you know who I am it might not be and I might just be rambling and rambling. I hope I am not but that is all I am going to write today and I will write something tomorrow too. Oh happy new year and I will end the same as the blog ended in girl online.

Girl online. Going offline.